Home Loans by Catalina

Wondering if you have a big enough down payment?
Did you try researching the process online and ended up more frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed?
Are you feeling disheartened at the price of homes and feeling powerless against interest rates?
Have lenders required a hard credit pull to pre-approve you?
Are you worried about unexpected fees?
Hesitant to start the process because of your work history?
Worried you'll be judged because of your finances?
The list goes on and on. We are in a market like never before, and it can seem scary. Rising home prices and interest rates have put so many "would-be" buyers on the sidelines, only to miss out on record breaking equity gains.
My goal is to help you achieve homeownership, whether it's this year or later on.
Let's work together to make it happen, with zero financial cost or impact to your credit.
How we work together:
we review your loan options
After considering loan programs from over 150 different lenders, I'll share some competitive options.
After explaining the programs in an easy to understand way, you'll feel confident in your home loan and budget.
Want to take a look at different scenarios? This is when we workshop your loan together!
get a realtor involved and start looking at homes!
If you're not working with a realtor already, I have an amazing lineup for you to choose from!
If you're already working with someone, we'll loop them in to your ideal purchase scenario.
The realtor will update the search parameters to fit your budget.
Understanding the 3 phases of the homebuying process
Click on one of the phases below to learn more! This will download an easy-to-read graphic that explains each step.